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Sunday, September 03, 2006 

Linkbaiting. How hard is it?

Linkbaiting is a big topic for discussion lately. Everyone wants and needs links. We can ask for links, buy links or create articles and submit them for one way links. Linkbaiting is about getting links without doing any of these. Linkbaiting is essentially baiting people in by creating something they want to link to. So, what could we use to bait people into linking to you?

Podcasting: Creating a podcast that discusses news, tips or information on your industry is great baiting tool. Making your podcast unique and consistent is the key to steady stream of new links.

Read the rest on our new blog http://www.mr-seo.com/blog/mr-seo-blog-articles.html

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I still don't understand the term linkbaiting. How can we trick someone into linking with us?

i too couldnt understand the meaning of the term linkbaiting from your article. as i m new in SEO can u be more clearer.

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Hey, this is an awesome blog you've
got here!! I'm definitely going to
bookmark it! By the way, I found a
awesome site that has similar kind of
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nice blog and useful information !!

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It means to create something that naturally attract backlinks for your web page by getting people to talk about it, discussing it on forums, blogging about i, posting it on del.icio.us/Furl/Digg/Shoutwire and linking to it from their sites. It also attracts a lot of visitors.

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I've been trying to get people to link with my site The Beat Junkies, And I must admit it's a challenge. Normally an article will get about 4 links from outside sources (crediting us for our work, or just linking for fun). Really however I think linking is becoming a nightmare.

You re right that Link baiting is a big topic for internet marketing. You have a really nice blog about it.

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  • I'm Mr-SEO
  • From WA
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