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Monday, March 23, 2009 

Mr-SEO Blog

Hey - We Moved!

We are active on our blog - go to www.mr-seo.com/blog

Thanks - Mr SEO

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Nice Blog!

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I think more information should be provided in the blog!!
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Nice Blog


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Excellent..I like your work.Seo is a raging fact in these days.As matter of fact traffic is really connected with page rank ,creating and adding new pages to increase a site's total PageRank so that it can be channeled to specific pages, there are certain types of pages that shouldnotbe added. These are pages that are all identical or very nearly identical and are known as cookie-cutters. Google considers them to be spam and they can trigger an alarm that causes the pages, and possibly the entire site, to be penalized. Pages full of good content are a must.check my BLOG.And get connected to updated SEO TRICKS.

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About me

  • I'm Mr-SEO
  • From WA
  • Greg Gaskill is the owner and president of Mr-SEO.com, a professional online marketing company specializing in search engine marketing and optimization of business websites. Since their inception in 2004 Mr-SEO.com has built a reputation as an industry pioneer and expert in online business development. You can learn more about their services at the company website www.Mr-SEO.com or read articles and news events on their blog at www.Mr-SEO.com/Blog
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